Friday, September 12, 2008

The new dorms are up and running!

What started off as an empty lot now has been developed into the Living Center Northeast. The construction of the new dorms began last November 19th at the official groundbreaking, and kept rolling well into August. CCC attained possession of the building in the nick of time on August 15th. With residents arriving on the 17th, there was a lot to get done in two days. “Things still needed to be ironed out” according to Living Center Northeast dorm coordinators Jim and Kelli Gates who arrived on the 15th and started preparing for all the new students to move in.
Sunday Aug 17th came with unexpected weather. The rain and cold chill in the air didn’t stop these eager college bound students though. With the help of family and some friends most everyone was settle in by night time, with the exception of a few late comers. OPTIC Christian Club helped out on move in day, they were in and out all day well equipped with raincoats and dollies. “They were an exceptional help” says Kelli. Student ambassadors also got in on the action readily waiting to help any newcomers who were short a few hands.
There are currently 92 residents living in Living Center Northeast, including the dorm coordinators. The three story building can house up to 160 residents. There are approximately 26 units on each floor with two dorm rooms per unit. Each dorm room houses two students who share a Jack and Jill style bathroom with two suite mates. Rooms are equipped with loft style beds, a shared closet, and one dresser and desk per student. The LCNE accommodates special needs students as well, with five units; ten rooms are available for students who are in a wheelchair or who need special assistance.
Although some things got a little behind schedule they are slowly being completed. Washer and dryers arrived five days after move in day, but all the common areas are expected to be fully furnished within a month, with TV’s, couches, computers and possibly a Nintendo Wii.
There have been a few exciting occurrences in the new living center. Late night alarm pulls in the elevator led to police arriving on the scene, only to find out it was a false alarm. The fire alarms have been tested, and are in working order thanks to one hungry student who set the alarms off after burning his pizza rolls in his microwave. Aside from that incident, “Students are really taking care of the rooms” Kelly comments. With A new updated and more university style essence to them, the new dorms are sure to make a happy home for many.

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