Friday, October 17, 2008

CCC Students Register to Vote

CCC students were given the opportunity to do more than just eat lunch when they visited the cafeteria last week.  A voter registration drive, jointly sponsored by the American Association of University Women (AAUW) and the Kansas National Education Association-Student Program (KNEA-SP), enabled students to register to vote at a table set up in the Union.
KNEA-SP members also distributed “Register to Vote” reminders to all CCC students during the Wednesday 10:10 class period.
“Shannon Titus, KNEA-SP event planner, and I created the reminder forms and a cover letter to deliver to students,” said sponsor Carolyn May.  “The KNEA-SP members received very positive responses about this activity.  They encouraged others to register to vote but did not try to persuade anyone on how they were to cast their ballot.”
Approximately 25 students completed voter registration forms on that day.  Several others picked up forms to complete at a later time. The reminder forms included the web site to register on-line.  That site is
“Registration may be done online but the form must be signed,” said May.  “If the signed form is brought to us at the H.F. Davis Library, we will take it to the court house.  Shelly Harms, Thomas County Clerk, has requested that she receive the registration forms no later than Oct. 19.”
Additional blank registration forms are available at the college library.  The General Election will be held on Tuesday, Nov. 4.

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