Friday, October 17, 2008

Young Voters Final

2008 is the year of the young voter. If you are over 18, I’m talkin’ to you!
A very important election is just around the corner. Opportunity for change, a new beginning, or whatever you wish to call it has arisen. My question to you is- What are you going to do about it? If you, like me, have been living the last eight years unsatisfied with any aspect of our government, you may want to listen to this. I celebrated my eighteenth birthday a few months ago and have since then experienced the fundamentals of “becoming an adult” in America. I bought my first lottery ticket, have received credit card offers via mail, and was even allowed to purchase air soft pellets for my little brother at Wal-Mart. All this seemed beside the point when compared to what I was most excited about though; gaining the power to vote. For me, the opportunity to vote empowers me to have a voice, and to be a part of the change I want to see in the future. Tuesday November 4th 2008 marks the date of the next presidential election, an election that is poised to be the most significant ever to take place in the United States. Time Magazine has noted that “the 2008 election will have an 83% impact on the country.” Being that it is so heavily weighted, I will be sure to take part in the result of the election. However small the percentage is, my vote will count on November 4th. Your vote counts. Statistics prove that 2008 is the year of the young voter. Expectations have been raised, and an emphasis has been placed on young adults age 18-24. “Commonly called the Millennial Generation or Generation Y, young voters rival the Baby Boomers in size and are the most diverse generation in history,”  according to YDA youth statistics. “Young people are voting in numbers rarely seen since the general election of 1972 — the first in which the voting age was lowered to 18.” The emphasis placed on young voters is there for a reason. We are the future. And have the ability to make it what we want it to be. If you don’t take the opportunity to change your future, you lose the right to complain about your present. So please, Vote on November 4th 2008 and let your voice be heard! If you are not registered to vote, visit

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